Friday, August 20, 2010

Chow Lin

(born 1860, made vampire 1901) lived a solitary life in small village in Central China, working as a carpenter. The only joy in his life came from watching the widow next door, for whom he pined for over 10 interminable years. When a vampire attacked her at night on a lonely street, he offered his life for hers. The vampire accepted and made Chow a vampire. Chow thought he’d finally won the woman’s affections, but instead, she recoiled, leaving him to an eternity of loneliness.
Chow is a member of Louisiana's Area Five vampire district. He is an Asian vampire with a small build and long black hair. He is no more than five foot seven and every inch of his visible skin (except for his face) is covered with intricate yakuza tattoos. He acts as a bartender in Fangtasia some nights, and sits around other nights to let patrons approach him. He is first introduced in the second book, Living Dead in Dallas, as a replacement of Fangtasia’s former bartender, Longshadow. Chow is killed in the fourth book, Dead to the World, when fighting against the coven of witches. Chow is portrayed by Patrick Gallagher in the True Blood series.

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